Wednesday, February 8, 2012


("JGM GREEN" was a funny post)

Anyway, I use to worry about simple things like not put trash on the floor or look ugly to people when they do, but I'm not the symbol of "recycling", even, I don`t use to separate garbage in differents dumps or buy only biodegradable products. Still, I think being a person concerned about environmental problems and at least try to care.
I like nature, the countryside, the colors and how they change in each station .
Ground cycling at home and go by bus to college (though I think he would prefer a car).
I don`t belong to any environmental group, perhaps because I've never taken the time to investigate much about it, maybe in the future to inform me I could join and help.
I think that one big solution is be more careful in what you do everyday.
They are simple things like separating trash, take shorter showers, walk, ride on bike or take a bus. All the things that we do everyday are important and allow a better care for the environment.
In Santiago, one of the main problems is the excess of cars and lack of cycle paths, and there are few landfills and there are usually always full ... maybe we could start for it.
The care of the environment is easier than it looks and the best thing is that everyone can contribute to it.
ne of the most important thing is that everything that we do has a consequence and we need to think if we pay such consequences, given that the generations that follow will be those who suffer. Not only care for the environment for ourselves, take care is also for our future childrens and grandchildrens...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Art is in the air...

In my free time (when I have - my summer semester is killing me -) I used to take pictures about differents places, people and (my favorites) dogs. I love photography and I think that is one of the best things that I can do in my free time.I started to take pictures when I was 13. My granny gave to me a camera, a Canon T-50 , for my birthday. It was old and I needed a photographic film to take pictures, but my dad used to buy them and reveal the pictures when I didn`t have money.When I was older (18) my mom bought me a digital camera, and I started to take pictures of everything! I didn`t need to buy films, I just had to connet the camera to my computer and upload all my pictures.Now, I have 3 cameras, but my favorite still been the one that my granny gave me.
When I have time, I use to go to Barrio Concha or to the Parque Forestal and take some pictures, I just walk and when I look something interesting I click the shutter.I dad use to go out with me, he loves take pictures too. In Summer vacations I love take pictures in the beach because the light is good and I can take fantastic pictures of everything around me.
As much as I enjoy the art galleries with it’s many different art exhibits from month to month, and the modern sculptures that make your head turn, my absolute favorite is (of course) the photography. No other art captures that very second that you click the shutter and immortalize the image in the little piece of film forever. I am fascinated by it. I love the old photos and the new, with its computer editing and digitalized pixels. They are both beautiful to me.

I prefer analogous cameras, because it is more exciting, I can`t know how is the photo or if I make a mistake when I take them, It`s a mystery...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another Career?

So, Why I didn`t study something different?
Well, when I was in the school I wanted to study biology or chemistry. I used to spend a lot of time in the lab with my friend, doing experiments or trying to learn something with our teacher (she was great!).

I wanted to study something related with science because I was good in maths and in chemistry. I felt that I can do something related for the rest of my life, but when I finished the school I studied for one year Biology in another university and in just one year I knew that I can not do it forever. I used to work with people, I love help another who needs me. Then I started to study Psychology here, in the UCh, and I feel that is something that I can do for the rest of my life.
If I have to opt for another career or continue studing something different, I think that I could study architecture o design. I think that I have the abilities to do models or work all night long in something. I would like to study in the FAU, because is very near to my house and I could work all night long in the university and go to my house when I want.

I didn't study something like that because I think that psycology is a great career that makes me feel full, I`m happy doing what I do, and if I study another thing will be because I want, but not because I don`t like my career.
I Think that my life will be very different if I study architecture or design, the shape of people who study those careers is very different than my friend of my career.
I prefer my classmates, they are just a little bit insane, but I love them. If I study one of those careers i would have to drink a lot of coffe, spend a lot of money in materials and I would not have time to go out with my friends or do the things that I love, because I would spend all my time doing models or thinking in something to create.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The story of the self ...

This newspaper article talk about memory and how we can construct our life with them.
Memory is a very important part of our lifes. Charles Fernyhough says “Memory is our past and future”, is an organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. We can know a person and make an idea of how will be just thinking in what they were. When we cast back to an event from our past we can describe it and construct our identity. Is a complex system that works with multimples neural networks and connections that are made and unmade, letting you build as subjects capable of progress in terms of previous experiences. Memory is endlessly creative, and at one level it functions just as imagination does.
It is hard try to remember what I did when I was a child because our memory it works like a cassete, try to rewind and remember what happen in the past, but the past it is overcast with personal experience, emotions and sensory impressions and specific contexts that we lived.
Are there any troublesome mental function? sometimes memory makes us be wrong and forget important things that whe have to do, for example, details about our work or ours lifes. We can build our lifes and really in function of our experiencies and what we can remind of what we did. Memory is an evolution mecanism that make that we can survive and be better.
When we look back into the past, we are always doing so through a prism of intervening selves. That makes it all the more important for psychologists studying memory to look for confirming evidence when asking people to recall their pasts.

Memory is not only remember, It`s can build something useful for the present thinking in what I learned.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Music and me...

I love music. When I was a child, maybe 6 or 7 years, my father listened Elvis and Nirvana, and he used to dance in the room like Elvis.

Music is a part of my life, I wake up with the radio and I go to sleep listening Cat Power or something like that. Music is energy, life and an important reason for smile, cry or think about everything that happen to me each day.I don`t know if I can explain what music means to me, I think that it´s a miz of feels, words and moments in my life.

I don`t have a favorite group or singer, I just turn on the radio or my iTunes and wait for something that makes me feel good.

When I was 10 years old, I can remember than my dad bought to me my first cassette :"One more time", by Britney Spears and another one about Madonna (I can`t remember the name).

When I was 15, I loved "Slipknot", "Korn", "Oasis", "The Beatles" and "Nirvana", and I just could estudy if I was listening them. I used to paint or draw listening music in the night, It`s made me feel good, like in another place.

Now, when I`m alone, I use to listen "Cat Power", "Snow Patrol " or "Fiona Apple", I don`t know why, but they makes me feel good.

I think than music it´s like clothes: everything wear it, but in differents ways. Each one have his own style and that`s what makes it funny.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


In four years I learned one important thing: "Education is what remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school", and Facso do that.
It`s a place who looks like Macondo. It`s far away from my apartment (45 minutes) and I use to have classes in the morning, for this reason I must wake up at about 6.30 in the morning.
I love a lot of things of Facso. Flowers, people, the brigade, Mr. Juanito and everything. My favorite place is the bridge, this is the meeting place during breaks, where you can talk with friends or classmates, drink a coffee or just smoke a cigarette.
Another thing that I love of Facso is that you can find differents ideas, careers and people. It`s a place where you can talk about what you think and nobody makes you keep quiet.
But there´s one thing that I really hate: the library. It`s impossible try to learn something in this place!, I can`t read because everybody are talking or laughing... I can`t do anything !!!
However, Facso it´s a great and beautiful place, it`s impossible hate a place in JGM... everybody loves "los pastos" and I love them too.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Egypt Rules.

When I was 15, with Daniela, my best friend, we just wanted to go to Egypt. We loved movies that talk about it and we used to see them many times.
The color of the sand is really amazing!

I think that it was a beautiful place, with a lot of things to learn and places to know, an interesting mixture of people of different cultural backgrounds.

We used to spend a lot of time reading something about what to do, the culture and all about this country, but there`s a big problem: tickets are too expensive and we don`t have money to buy them (and my mom will not give it to me).

I know that Egypt is a country with an immense cultural mix, in every major city in Egypt you will find traditions that remain from the time of the Pharaohs, and in other parts you will find pure tribal customs that were brought in by many invaders throughout the centuries. The culture of Egypt is like any other cosmopolitan country. If I could travel, I would visit the museums, ride a camel, take a lot of pictures, touch the sand, eat everything that I can taste and learn about the culture, the most important places or something like that.

I want to stay there maybe for some weeks, but not for the rest of my life. The reason? Because I think that if I live there the place will not be funny, and I will be bored. I used to think that the life quality was very poor in Egypt, maybe for the pictures or the news on the tv. As a clinical psychologist I wouldn`t know what to do there!